How should I Upkeep the Maintenance on my Roof?
There is no denying that your roof goes through a lot, it endures the scorching heat, withstands snow and hail, prevents rainwater leakage and much more.
Every day there seems to be a new challenge for your roof including raging elements, fluctuating temperatures, and changing weather. These are also common reasons behind weathered roof. The condition may lead to damages like leaking or losing shingles that may require a potential roof repair.
The cost of repairing and replacing a roof is not only expensive, but also takes a lot of time. The expensive and tedious process is also full of hassles. If you ignore it, not only leaking shingles invite molds into your house, but can also be symptoms of a bigger and more complicated structural issue. That is why roof maintenance is extremely important when it comes to reducing roof costs.
We have enlisted some easy roof maintenance tasks to help you solve the problem before it completely damages your roof.
1. Evaluate Your Roof
Begin with the roof evaluation. How old is your roof? What material is it made of? When was it repaired the last time? Have you ever replaced it? All these questions will help you collect some necessary details required to evaluate your roof’s condition.
This vital information will protect your house from future roofing problems; plus it will help you make maintenance decisions.
2. Clean Debris from the Roof
Your roof is already facing the brunt of snow, hail barrages and wind. You should not over burden it with debris. The problem may seem trivial to you, but debris collected on your roof can clog gutters and cause a number of other drainage issues.
The constant overflowing water unfastens your home’s gutter and can expose vulnerable parts of your roof, causing more drainage problems.
That is why cleaning debris is very important to avoid draining obstruction. Make sure that you clean debris from your roof once every week. Avoid using pressure washer.
3. Remove Moss
If you live in an area where climate is humid and wet, your roof is most likely to develop moss. Roofs are ideal places for moss growth. Not only does it cause incredible damage to your roof, but it also infiltrates beneath shingles.
You can use various cleaning products to remove moss from your roof. These products can be sprayed to break moss chemically. Always use a pressure washer to remove moss to avoid tear and cracks on your shingles.
4. Schedule Maintenance Check with a Roof Repairer
Regular inspection is really important for the longevity of your roof to ensure that it is in a good condition. A roofing expert can evaluate the minor details, which you may overlook.
He is a professional and knows what kind of problems your roof can face in the future. He will help you determine the roofing problem and its solution.
Bottom Line
Over all, roof maintenance is an important part of your home’s curb appeal. By following the given tips, you can protect your roof.